Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm outta here!!

I leave in a few hours for New York City ... and I can't begin to describe how excited I am. It has been a tough two semesters, and I need a HUGE break. Karli, my friend I am going to see, has e-mailed me the link to the restaurant we are going on Friday night to celebrate her graduation ( She lives in SoHo, so it's one of the many fabulous restaurants that surrounds her digs.

I will take TONS of pics and I am bringing my video camera ... that may motivate me to learn how to attach video on this thing.

I will miss Ron and my kids terribly, but I think leaving for a few days will illuminate just how much I do around here!!

See y'all on the flip side ...


Friday, May 09, 2008

Absolutely amazing ...

I cannot control my fingers at this moment in time. I just read the-hands-down-more-stupid-than-I-could-ever-imagine statement ... something to the effect of "don't vote emotionally." The reason this is soooooooooooooooo freakin' stupid is because it is coming from someone who is SUCH a hypocrite who wouldn't know how to make a decision based on critical thinking if her life depended upon it. This person makes seemingly EVERY decision based on emotion. She is critical of others (daily, I might add), she is judgmental, she has lost the power of thinking on her own, and she hides under the veil of being a "Christian" so her comments and actions should be forgiven. This person ceases to understand that sitting in church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car.

Noooooow, this person is giving her opinion on who we should vote for by "researching the candidates" when CLEARLY she has not done her own!!!! She is upset because someone she has respect for has made the decision to vote for a candidate she is against. The nerve!!! Oh, she tries the cover-up by writing, "I respect that everyone has their own opinion." Oh, really? Who does she think she's fooling? Such a crime ... someone is actually thinking on their own without falling into the line on the right. Such a pity ...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. WTF?

Honey, if you dare read this ... make sure to leave this page with this one thought -

STEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD. You're embarrassing your family ...